One of the largest fails within the Forex industry is having a Client Cabinet or Client Area which is overly-complicated, full of excess information, and difficult to use.

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Your Client Cabinet can be the make or break of your business – it is the backbone of your success, something which your clients use on a daily basis, and therefor needs to portray the professionalism, reliability, and outstanding service level your company provides. For a large majority of clients, using your Client Cabinet is the most interaction they will have with your brokerage, and for that reason, it needs to be perfect.


For a large majority of clients, using your Client Cabinet is the most interaction they will have with your brokerage, and for that reason, it needs to be perfect.

There isn't a single existing Client Cabinet that we haven't seen – whether it be provided by our smaller competitors, or developed by the FX broker themselves, we have fully registered and tested each and every broker's Client Cabinet inside and out, and we've been doing it for ten years. We know all the pitfalls and all the positive's that make for the perfect Client Cabinet (not to mention we've developed a number of Client Cabinets ourselves when we were working in different brokerages), so rest assured that when your clients set eyes on our Client Cabinet, there will be no need for them to look elsewhere.


Simplicity. Simplicity, manageability, and ease of use when it comes to trading is what clients want to see. From our research and extensive experience, you will lose your client to the next broker 8 times out of ten if your Client Cabinet's functionality isn't up to scratch.

Problems ranging from errors during registration, to verification documents disappearing, or not being able to perform simple deposit and withdrawal actions screams unprofessionalism from the very get-go, and will lose you not only one or two potential clients, but once the word spreads, the lion's share of the business out there.

We took our years of experience and expertise and decided to create a Client Cabinet which combats the daily issues FX brokers face in terms of their client registration procedure and general Client Cabinet area. Say goodbye to recurring errors, hours of research on your competitors Client Areas, and countless months of text creation, development and continual updates on the Marketing and IT front - everything you need to avoid the hassle is only one decision away!

We know the answer is YES!

Time and money saving

  • Built in call to actions
  • Instant notifications about clients actions
  • Built in Automatic e mails throughout
  • easy access to all nessesary data and reports

Fast and Easy client onboarding procedure

  • variaty of different onboarding flows
  • registration process including full KYC
  • questionnaire and appropriateness test
  • automated scorings with different outcomes

Aesthetically pleasing and informative dashboard

  • straignt forward and user friendly interface
  • Live chat implementation functionality
  • Connection to IB accounts, campaigns, referrals, link creation tool, banners and statistics + more

Our Client Cabinet features all of the above plus:

The regular necessities such as unlimited deposit/withdrawal functions with call to actions throughout, company and client document uploader sections, simple and effective client accounts display with CTA's, full access and carefully selected editing rights for your clients in relation to their client profile, and a sophisticated internal messaging system.

What distinguishes us from everyone else, is that flexibility is our middle name, and at FX Back Office (unlike other companies) we want to hear your ideas. If your team comes up with something that will ultimately further your success, we are happy to discuss developing it and implementing it in our Client Cabinet for you!

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New Brokerage that’s ready to talk? Currently using another Forex CRM and looking to change your provider?

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