Developers and Extensive APIs



Kenmore Design offers a number of comprehensive APIs, including MT4 and MT5 JSON API and MT4 and MT5 Manager JSON API for access and interaction with multiple Trading Platforms, all data available in the CRM, Integration with third party services such as Marketing Platforms and Payment Providers.

The modern web services can be used cross-platform by nearly all modern programming languages.

In general terms we can break down the API interfaces into the following categories:

Trading Platform JSON API: Offers a comprehensive set of GET/POST requests to:

  • Register Trading Platform Accounts.
  • Perform Balance Operations on Accounts.
  • Get Trading History.
  • Get Balance and Margin data.
  • Get Trading Account Details.

Trading Platform LIVE SYNC Service: Pushes data to your local MySQL or MongoDB

  • User Information.
  • Trades Details.
  • Price Feed.
  • Groups.
  • Daily Reports.
  • and more…

CRM Integration API: Allows for integration with various signup services.

  • Live and Demo Registration API.
  • Payment Systems Integration.
  • Marketing Automation Systems Integration.
  • SMS Service.
  • Mobile Apps Integrations.

CRM Data Access: Allows for full data access to the Brokerage Platform

  • Building custom applications.
  • Regulation Authority Access.
  • Marketing Automation System Integration.
  • Building custom reports.
